Taisha Welcome to your Grow your Business with Accounting Name Email 1. What is the nature of your business? * Manufacturing Service Trading Agric Construction Others None 2. What type of organization? * Sole Proprietor Partnership Private Limited Liability Company Not for Profit Organizations None 3. Tell us more about yourself and your business * 4. How many employees? * None 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 None 5. Do use a software (if yes, comment below the type of software) * Yes No None 5. Do you keep books of account (Bookkeeping)? *If yes answer questions 6,7,8&9 Yes No None 6. Challenges and problems in the business and bookkeeping 7. Who does the bookkeeping? 8. Why a new bookkeeper? 9. Problems with previous bookkeeper? Yes. If yes comment below No None 10. What type of tax records do you keep? None Tax receipts only Tax receipts and returns Withholding tax (WTH) only None 11. How often do you pay tax? As at when due When there is a need for it Seldom or Occasionally None 12. What type of tax do you pay? None Personal Income Tax only (When in employment) Value Added Tax (VAT) only Withholding Tax (WTH) only All types of tax None 13. Do you ever use service of a Tax consultant? Not at all Often Sometimes None 14. Do you need your business tax clearance certificate to prospect for more business? Not at all Often Sometimes None 15. Do you pay PAYE on behalf of your employees? Not at all Not all my staff Often None Time's up